Technology is Key in Home Inspection

Inspection News

Vincent Cameron Talks About Technology

3D Home Inspection Software

Gone are the days of hand written reports and the image of a guy with a ladder and screwdriver. If we want to succeed in this business we have to be the leaders and adopt the technologies to keep us productive and competitive.

In today’s market things move fast and you need to have all the tools necessary to keep your competitive edge. There are many different types of tools these days in the home inspection field. Today I will discuss some of the essential tools in home inspection. This first image is our most valuable tool.


3D Home Inspection Software




This is our tablet based reporting software created by 3D Inspection and it runs on our Asus Tablets as well as our Android based smart phones. This comprehensive software package (Cost $1,299.00) combined with mobile computing makes us so much more efficient in our business. Whether it’s taking calls from customers to scheduling their inspection appointments then completing their actual inspection, it’s all managed here.

The software systematically runs the inspector through the inspection from the roof down through the foundation and everything in between. Allowing for photos and notes of all aspects of the home. This software helps us create the most comprehensive report in the business. See a sample report here.

3D Home Inspection Software practically manages our business for us. Upon switching to the software a typical inspection, if done right would take an inspector roughly 6 hours to complete. That’s 3 hours in the field doing the inspection then 3 more hours compiling and building a quality report. Now, 3D cuts that time nearly in half. Making the inspector much more productive and able to do more inspections in a day.

From Infrared thermal imaging cameras to electronic moisture readers these technologies are must haves for a quality home inspection.  Fluke has developed many Thermal imaging cameras allowing inspectors to literally see through walls.

Image These thermal cameras can cost upwards of $5,000 but are worth the investment.


When it comes time to get paid it couldn’t be easier…

There is no reason you should not be accepting credit cards today. There are so many options available for processing and the fees are getting better everyday. I’m a huge fan of SquareUp. We are able to process our payments right on our phones at the end of an inspection with this amazing little gadget.


Swipe and Go

The Card Reader is FREE and for only 2.75% of the transaction amount, I can accept payment and it’s automatically deposited into my bank account within 24 hours. No driving to the bank and no monthly processing fees to worry about.Image

With a CHASE Business account we can also deposit our checks we receive by snapping a photo of it with our smart phone and it’s deposited directly into our account immediately.


Saving trips to the bank saves valuable time

In our business we have to be competitive on price and offer a quality home inspection to our customers. That’s why it’s crucial to have the proper tools if we want to remain in this business.

When researching inspection companies it’s always a good idea to find out who you are dealing with. Ask the right questions and get referrals or read testimonials.

For more information or to schedule an inspection please feel free to call  Visual Pro Home Inspections.


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Visual Pro Home Inspections has been in business since 1995 helping home owners and home buyers make confident home buying decisions.

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